Late night update

I am quite sure September is one of my favorite months. The heat is finally down, and we are back to human conditions. Today we had the last guests leaving from the place we were renting for my neighbor. It was a German couple, born in 1923…so you do the math. I was shocked how […]

Day of Green pickled tomatoes

It was raining like crazy all day, but curiously it did not stop me to spend almost all morning rearranging things around the garden. Yesterday I got some lettuce and cabbage seedlings, so was trying to find some extra space in order to squeeze them in somewhere. I have decided to harvest one portion of […]

Dormant blogger

It seems that if there is more to say, I somehow find myself less motivated to write. Or, summer is just not made for screens. These previous months have been super busy, and I guess I could say very productive. Since spring, the house has been full all the time, either with vagabond couchsurfers on […]

February photo update

I am alive, if anybody wondered. I have just been very lazy in writing anything. Cyber blockade, one could say. It happens. Well, things were busy, and joyful. For the most part I was outside, preparing for my first planting season. Here is a quick photo tour of the month.

False spring alarm

This morning I woke up, and boom, snow. I know it has been heavily snowing in the entire country for days, but this is my first snow here. And, I think my first snow next to the sea, ever. It somehow really twists your mind, as for years I have always been here only in […]

A taste of spring. Kind of.

At the moment, there are a lot of hormones flying in the air on this deserted piece of land. Sola is going through her first heat cycle, and I can just say it is hard to be a female, in whatever world. From the lazy winter indoor atmosphere, since the last week we are at […]