Day of Green pickled tomatoes

It was raining like crazy all day, but curiously it did not stop me to spend almost all morning rearranging things around the garden. Yesterday I got some lettuce and cabbage seedlings, so was trying to find some extra space in order to squeeze them in somewhere. I have decided to harvest one portion of cherry tomatoes which really went out of control, impolitely invading almost half of my entire garden surface. Never done that before, but I was told they are very nice when you pickle them. The afternoon thus passed in the old-school housewife mode fully on.  This is the recipe. Simple, as I like it.

I made 6 jars, so needed around half of this dosage:

  • 2 parts raw sugar
  • 3 parts apple cider vinegar
  • 8 parts water
  • 1 part spices (I was using black peepers seeds and cinnamon sticks.)

Put all the ingredients in a big pot and bring it to boil. Meanwhile, sterilize your jars (put them in the oven on low for 1/2 an hour, without their lids, or wash in boiling water). Wash your tomatoes, selecting only the good ones. Pack the tomatoes into jars, take the pickling mixture off the boil and ladle it over tomatoes. Leave it to cool down, and seal the jars with clean lids. In a few weeks they should be ready to EAT. Achievement!




Trying to look tough.

Meanwhile, Sola was trying to look tough.


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