Dormant blogger

It seems that if there is more to say, I somehow find myself less motivated to write. Or, summer is just not made for screens. These previous months have been super busy, and I guess I could say very productive. Since spring, the house has been full all the time, either with vagabond couchsurfers on their way to god-knows-where, curious old friends or diligent volunteers. At some point it felt as if I live on a bus station. My house became a transit point, but also a place where everybody would willingly leave behind a valuable piece of themselves.

In the end, the experimental garden became a huge surprise. Against all odds, I did not find a type of veggies that did not do good here. We have brought A LOT of aged goat manure from the shepherd’s stable, and that was a jackpot. I have only messed up with onions, as I did not protect them from worms on time. The spinach is harvested, as well as  potatoes (new batch on the way). And Swiss chard, parsley, beetroots, carrots, and cucumbers are all doing very well. The other day, I had the first two tomatoes and a few peepers, and there are many more on the way. In the end, the back wall of the house proved to be a very good protection from powerful Bura, and now it all comes down to just one thing – water.

Off the agrarian agenda, it seems that in this crazy Crusoe life of mine, I have found my soulmate. Or, he found me. As my good friend Melina said, ‘love delivered to a doorstep’ type of story. Literally. Two is definitely better than one, and what is important is that we share the same vision not to be forced to go back to the zombie city style of life. In order to do that, at the moment we are financially trying to secure our winter by renting my neighbor’s apartment, and taking care of the guests. 

Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all the rest will fall in line. It brought me (actually both of us) here in the first place, so it became a kind of a compass.









9 thoughts on “Dormant blogger

  1. Nice to see you nice 🙂

    I just found myself new place to stay so right now I am typing watching the sunset very close to the ancient temple of Poseidon at Sounio.

    All the best guys!


  2. Cijelo ljeto nisam baš imala vremena za komp, I evo sad sam krenula hvatat zaostatke. Tvoj blog je među prvima na listi 🙂 Divno te je čitati, I tako mi je drago da vas je sada dvoje 🙂

      • A ono, mislim da u nas neće prestat uzbuđenje dok ne postanemo ono inkrepiti 😀 A ja bi samo malo mira! Kuća je cool, ali se raspada, trebamo puno toga srediti, ali pomalo, glana misija nam je da se ne smrznemo, što brijem da nećemo jer ipak smo mi preživili -27 i outhouse bez prozora LOL
        Super mi je kako si se angažirala, jesi imala puno volontera? Sve skupa izgleda divno, možda ti jednom dođemo u goste ako ćeš nas imat 🙂

        • Bilo bi cool upoznavanje! Naravno da ste dobrodosli! Prvi volonter je taj sretnik koji se nikad vise nije vratio doma. 🙂 Bas prica za roman. Ja sam nakon godine dana svakojakog inicijalnog rintanja sad odlucila stat na loptu jer covjek je cudnovato bice da i u zabiti moze zaglavit u stres i brigu. Tell me about it, stara kuca je rupa bez dna. Sto otvorenih bojnih polja! I mi smo sad u stiroporu i kemijanju izolacije…Ali secretly vec lagano ceznem za prvom vatricom….

          • Aaa zvuči skroz romantično 🙂 Nek vas Bog blagoslovi <3 Moram priznat da i u meni vatrica budi laganu čežnju za zimom, a u nas stiže brzinom svjetlosti, već se grijemo! Jedva čekam čut priču, imaš blog post o tome?? 😀

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