Koze i ljudi

Jučer je bio jedan gusti, gusti dan. Pun. Sve je počelo kasno. Sunce nije ulazilo u sobu, a Sola mi se kradom uvukla u noći u krevet pod noge, pa je zakazala u ulozi budilice-pijevca, ko inače. I dok smo obavili sve one jutarnje procedure, oko 11 sati dolazi susjed S. pozvati nas

Empire of the Sun

Today was just one of those days without any flavor. Rain, clouds, and general dullness. Then around 4 p.m., the Sun suddenly decided to demonstrate all its glory. Only 15 minutes of pure beauty, and it was all gone, like it was some sort of a mistake and somebody ‘up there’ quickly pressed ‘undo’.

0 costs, 20 mins to make, endlessly original

If on a personal level this entire project is about, in Fromm’s terms, turning away from ‘to have’ towards ‘to be’, then on a more concrete, every-day, material level, it is definitely about gradually shifting away from ‘to buy’ towards ‘to make’. This applies to food, clothing and

Year 1854

This pretty much sums it all up. ‘I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish […]

Unplugged weekend

As in the rest of the country, the weekend here was not any less apocalyptic. Bura was breaking the records, and on the night between Saturday and Sunday, it felt as if the wind would literally rip the entire house out, including the foundations. I wanted some Robinson Crusoe, so it seems I got it. […]